Initial Call @ 1814
Call into CMS @ 1830
***Weather SE 30 Seas 3-4 Rain***
Position when grounded:
1814 Pathfinder aground Bligh Reef
1815 Aware u/w-turned around per SERVS back to dock
1830 Free from reef leaking diesel (amount??)
1845 Looking to ID source
1845 Pathfinder reports 2 center pressurized indicating leak
1845 Pathfinder off reef
1938 Stephen Wilson-activated
O’Brien’s & Chadux
O’Brien’s-Mark Delozier-In Valdez and u/w to SERVS
1937 Sent APSC Response Coordinator (Rob Burkes) to Valdez Star
1938 Invader u/w ETA 2200
1945 Pathfinder anchored
2000 Valdez Star underway ETA 2300
2015 R & R Divers activated
2030 Alaska Challenger-Activated & ready
Diver activation-2hr
ETA to SERVS dock-transit time to Pathfinder 2hrs
2040 CMC-Risk-Ned Penitsch-Voice Message
2045 Doug Davis/Legal Counsel Comms
2140 D & A Test-Pathfinder reported completed (breathalyzer and urine sample)
2147 Invader on scene
Sight characterization completed and reported to duty office-atmosphere readings normal
2211 Valdez Star on scene
1 APSC Response Coordinator
2300 Alaska Challenger u/w ETA 0130
R&R Divers & CMS Port Engineer Mike Huisingh
0030 Alert ETA 0230
1900 ft CSI Boom
4 Totes Anchor (4-50lb anchors per tote)
Sausage Boom (25 bags-40ft per bag)
4 TCC personnel/1 APSC Response Coordinator
For Valdez Star Crew-Brian Bancroft Trainee 2/M (off Nanuq)/Chris Holmes Trainee Captain (Stalwart)
0048 Global Offshore Diving and Salvage on Stand-By
0113 Conference-Art Knowle, Gail Colby and Charlie Nalen-TAPS owners/Kathy Zinn (Valdez Terminal Manager) agree to allow access to spill response resources (Verbal Agreement-awaiting written request from Charlie Nalen)
0330 R & R Diving Report-extensive bottom damage
0430 Alaska Challenger Departure from scene
R & R Diving ETA Port 0630
0600 Safety/Pre-ops briefing-discussed mission for fishing vessels w/captains
0640 Fishing Vessels Deployed
Lisa Michelle (Scott Caruthers)-Boom Tender
Steven Daniel (Steve Alley)-Current Buster
Alaskan Spirit (Pat Day)-Current Buster
Northern Girl (Delbert Ferrier)-Boom Tender
Deserie Lynne (Kyle Rennie)-Skimmer and Mini Barge System
Lucky (Bill Copeland)
0645 2 Kjichak boats deployed
Jerry Saylors and Doc Cummings (SERVS Response Coordinators)
0700 Weather-5 knots NE calm light rain
Pathfinder at anchor in Busby Island Bay
Zero witnessed sheen or oil on surface
0730 Alaska Challenger returns to port
0805 Boom deployment complete
0900 ETA Chadux Chartered Flights
0930 Mark Delozier over flight-chartered SERVS helo
0940 Endurance ETD Port (ETA Busby 1215)
Current Buster
Mini Barge
Wilden (diaphragm) Pump
Parastatic Pump
1000 ft suction/50 ft discharge
0958 Weather Report-Bligh Reef winds out of 010 degrees true 16 knots gusting 18 knots
1000 Endurance tasked to investigate sheen
1015 helo over flight reported 3 miles long sheen approx 1-1 ½ mile off Glacier Island between Finski Point and Bullhead-grey rainbow sheen mix
1115 Chadux Charter Plane (1st plane) arrives
1130 (approx time) Valdez Star skimming the area
1158 Chadux Charter Plane (2nd plane)-Fly Over Flight arrives
1200 Coast Guard helo fly over
1237 Walt Tague proceeds as Incident Commander
1300 Journey departure to Busby Island w/8 Chadux personnel
1300 Over flight-SERVS helo
1330 Unified Command Meeting
1410 Coast Guard C-130 reports sheen has diminished in size
1700 Tow Plan/Transit Plan Teleconference w/Coast Guard
1730 Captain Ted Chambers arrives relief of Pathfinder Captain
TBD Lighter approx 8 hrs after prep and Coast Guard approval
1800 Prep for lightering
1830 Journey u/w to port
1900 Mike Huisingh (Port Engineer), Rich Hendren (Director, ESQA Alaska) and Ted Chambers (Captain) departure to Busby Bay
1925 Coast Guard gives provisional approval (subject to discussed changes) of Transfer & Transit Plan
2000 ETA F/V Bartender & F/V Wits End Busby Bay
0034 Lightering started-3 center fuel tank
0045 Lightering stopped
Sheen in boomed area
0745 Kimberlin’s Cat u/w to Valdez
1000 SERVS fly over (max 50ft)
Sheen south of vessel
Sheen w/w boomed area
Vessel discharging sheen
1010 Coast Guard over flight
1300 Lightering Plan Revised by Coast Guard
1530 Sawmill Creek arrives at Busby Island
1605 Lightering resumes
3 Center Tank flow strong
1837 3 Center Lightering complete
1853 2 Tier Boom in place and anchored
1915 Lightering started-2 center
2113 Lightering stopped-2 center
Diesel from 3C=18,937
Diesel from 2C=17,120
Water from both=13,300
0700 Morning Briefing
0700 No visible sheen w/in boom
0915 Report of burp of fuel w/in boom (approx 1 gal)
Deployed drum skimmer & absorbs
0930 SERVS helo over flight w/Steve Hood (SERVS)
1000 Tow Plan Revision 1
1055 Waste Mgt plan approved
1218 Coast Guard Cutter Long Island arrives to Busby Island
1302 2 Coast Guard personnel onboard Pathfinder-move to Invader before transit
1340 Transit brief
1400 Weighing Anchor
1404 Pathfinder/Invader u/w to Valdez (5hr transit time)